
Be the pioneer of the recycling of rare-earth permanent magnets from end-of-life equipment in Europe

Caremag's project is to build an environmentally friendly production unit for pure rare-earth oxides (Neodymium, Praseodymium, Terbium, Dysprosium) in France from two main sources:

  • Permanent magnets to be recycled (2000t) from:
    • Production scraps from magnet manufacturing plants (swarfs) or turbine or motor assembly plants (scraps);
    • End-of-life equipment.
  • Rare earth concentrates from mines (5,000t) to fill the plant in the first few years and support the economic ramp-up of recycling.

In run phase, the Caremag unit will produce 150t of Praseodymium, 650t of Neodymium, 500t of Dysprosium and 90t of Terbium.

The unit obtained its construction and operating permits in 2023. Construction is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2025, with production scheduled to start up at the end of 2026.

In addition to producing pure oxides from recycled magnets or mining concentrates, the Caremag project also offers a pre-treatment/dismantling solution for equipment containing rare-earth-based permanent magnets (wind turbines, electric car motors).

The Caremag project offers one of the essential building blocks for environmental-friendly production of rare earth oxides, while remaining competitive with the competition thanks to innovations in a proven process.

Compared with existing recycling units in Asia, the Caremag process reduces CO2 emissions by 60% and water consumption by 98%, making it a unique project worldwide.

The Caremag project also includes virtuous innovations such as the recycling of 80% of direct CO2 emissions within the process, and the valorization of co-products: boron and ammonium nitrate (fertilizer).

Headquartered in Lyon

Key figures

  • • Project progress: All operating and environmental permits were granted. The plant start-up is planned at the end of 2026.
  • • Recovered products: Pure rare earth oxides (Nd, Pr, Tb, Dy).
  • • Recovered co-product: Borax and ammonium nitrate concentrate as product for agricultural applications.
  • • Investment: €180 million
  • • 92 jobs created
  • • Location : Lacq - south-west France


Caremag is not just an industrial project, it's also a company in its own right, with 16 employees working at 3 sites: the head office in Lyon (69), 3 laboratories at Axel'One in Villeurbanne (69) and a dismantling unit in Vénissieux (69).